Friday, August 29, 2008


So yesterday after two weeks of hoping and waiting we FINALLY signed on our house. It has been one crazy hassle and I am so glad it is over and im not sure I want to EVER buy a house again but, i'll just have to wait and see if I forget this mess. We are going to move in today and get settled over the weekend and Im really happy. I will post some pictures after this weekend. In a few weeks we will have everyone over for a BBQ !


~..kass..~ said...

CONGRATS!!! That is awesome!

Sam and Mandy Noel said...

Congrats! That is so sweet for you guys. I can't wait to come see it. Let us know when your going to have your barbecue. We want to come.

Errin said...

congrats! That is great news! Now next comes baby!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome girl. I will come see!!!