Monday, February 16, 2009

Degans New Trick

I know the video is not the best but.. we were just chilling watching tv and Brett was having Degan lay on his belly and just today I told him that I thought if we put him on his belly more he would roll over.. so what did he do today? ROllED OVER.. haha the first time we both missed it. Brett just looked down and he had gone from belly to back so we made him do it again and then I decided I needed to video it to show his grandparents and uncle so by this time he was a little sick of bein on his belly especially since he already hates it. But my lil one is growing up too fast!


Kassi said...

that is so sweet! They grow so fast!! but you will have lots of fun new stuff to come!!!

cassidy said...

it's so not fair huh!! It goes by way too fast. I can't believe they're already 8 weeks old! How come pregnancy didn't go by this fast? haha.. so fun, let me know when you guys are in town, we HAVE to get the cute couple together ;)

~..kass..~ said...

Oh bring back memories!!!! Kenton rolled at 3 wks, about freaked me out!!! I have video of him doing it, he also had to get a little pissed to do it. So fun!!! He also look wise reminds me of my buddy :( They grow too dang quick!!!!

Lane, Amanda, and Mason said...

OMG time flies.....that is SO cute I can't believe how big he's getting!

Beau, Ashley, + Noah said...

How cute!!!!!!.