Friday, August 8, 2008

HALF way !!

Today I according to the doctor I am 20 weeks!! yea..

This picture was actually taken a week ago but close enough for my post. I really dont mind being pregnant, its been such a blessing and a miracle. Don't mind the fact that I dont wear any makeup anymore , especially on a saturday morning.. haha..


Errin said...

ahhhh! your belly is so cute!

~..kass..~ said...

hello tiny belly, I LOVE this picture. You are such a cutie!

Kassi said...

Your little bump is just so cute!! I bet you guys are getting way excited!!
I am glued to the TV right now. I am loving the USA haha. It's so fun to watch these athlets. I want my kids to do something with water. Diving or swimming haha

Higbee said...

You look so cute!! that's awesome that you guys are buying a house too! that'll be fun for you!

Higbee said...

hey! yeah she's from cedar. We live west of town by Cedar Meadows and Lamplight, we need to get together!

Higbee said...

yeah that would be fun! I know Amanda through Krystal Sorensen. The 6 of us use to hang out when Derek & Krystal still lived here.

The Robinson's said...

You look so cute! I can't believe you are already half way... this summer has gone by fast! Just think at our last bunco you were pregnant and no one knew!

Andrea Gilberg said...

Way cute picture, you are so dang small. I'm glad you are having a good pregnancy.

Beau, Ashley, + Noah said...

Very Very cute!
Thats not your Electric Theater shirt is it?
Yeah I finally got a blog!