Monday, June 8, 2009

1st Family Photos

Thanks Errin for coming up to Cedar and taking our pictures. I just love them, I cant decide what one Im going to get big for our living room. Here are some of my favorites.


~..kass..~ said...

They are all so cute! Degan is such a happy baby!! Too dang cute :)

Sam and Mandy Noel said...

I love these Alivia! They are so cute. You guys are the cutest family.

Higbee said...

Your pictures are so cute!!

Errin said...

im glad you like them, my favorite one is the one of you guys in the barn. Ill be calling ya! :)

Aubrey & Garrett Frei said...

So cute! You have a darling family. Miss you tons.

April said...

I love these photos!! Who did 'em for you?

Beau, Ashley, + Noah said...

So very cute! I can't believe how big degan is getting!

Em said...

Those are soooo cute!!!