Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of JuLy 09

This year we went to Kanab, this will have been my 4th year going over there its our family tradition Brett says. We had alot of fun being with the family. There is just so many of them its crazy and wears you out but we had so much fun. Degan just loves all his cousins and aunts and uncles, and he doesn't even know that they are related yet, it was kind of weird leaving cause we had to take him around and say bye to everyone and im sure next year will be even harder for him. Melinda had decided a few months ago that she wanted to do the 5k but it wasn't a 5k just a "Fun Run" (2.5miles) she had started to prepare and I thought I would just go and walk it with Degan in the stroller well not sure how they convinced me to run it, but I did.. I came in like 4th from last in my division but we finished it in 30 mins. I was pretty proud that I even got up in the morning to do it, but I think that was the start I neeeded now Im gunna work out more here. We went swimming a few times at the new pool, but mainly just hung out with family. We did get a Swapp family picture Im excited to see those. While we were taking them at the "old barn" these people were watching and asked if we were doing a family reunion.. and we said no this is just one family. they were shocked. But since the last one they had, the family grew by 5 grandkids and me the new daughter in law. Fourth of July is such a fun time, and Im very grateful for all the men and women who fought and died for our country so we could have an Independence day.


~..kass..~ said...

Oh I love good old Kanab :) That is the church you guys are standing by in the 1st pic right? I use to go to Sunday school there for years when I would go stay with my grandma :)

Lane, Amanda, and Mason said...

Sounds like a fun 4th!! I cannot believe how big Degan is getting he is SO cute! We need to PLAY!