Friday, July 11, 2008

The 4th

Brett and I headed over to Kanab and stayed there all weekend. It was nice to see family and friends..
We went to the parade but this year all our nieces and newphews were in the parade so we didn't have anyone to get candy for us, so thats a bummer but they were all cute and waved..

Then saturday we went to east fork with tyler, and jarrett and took them fishing. It was pretty fun everyone caught some fish, but they were like minnows.. but we all had fun and got to enjoy the great outdoors. Brett got a taste of what its going to be like when we take our kids fishing and your constantly putting on worms and fixing there tangled up lines and he thought I was bad.. it was pretty funny. I helped some but I got sick of that real fast so I made him step in. Charlene even tried to fish but she was almost as bad as the boys, but I got a few pics for proof that she at least tried it.

Then this week has really been hot so I gathered up Whitney and Kenzi and we went swimmin at the Parowan pool on Wed, it was really fun.
Kenz and I had fun swimmin around trying to keep her from drowning. She would do all these things and then say ,"am I going to drown?" and I kept telling her no. .. no.. no.. so finally when I was ready to get out I was making her get into the baby pool and she didnt want to so I said if you dont get out you will drown without me. so she got out and went in the baby pool. she is a real funny girl... oh and I had a real embarrassing moment I probably shouldnt share but its kind of funny too. So I put on a swim suit the butt felt kinda small but since im slowly gettin bigger I just figured it was that. Well we swam and then I got home go to change and realize that my swimsuit had been twisted in the crotch and that was why it felt so small on my butt. So sorry people and children at the parowan pool. I kept my towel and skirt on most of the time so im hoping that not too many people saw but.. yea. I shared apart of me I probably shouldnt have.. ..


Lane, Amanda, and Mason said...

Hey YOU!! I didn't know you had a blog this will be FUN to keep in touch!! How is the pregnancy going?!! :)

~..kass..~ said...

k I know this maybe a little odd but I am a craigslist-acholic and saw this ad, I totally thought of you!

The Robinson's said...

Looks like you guys had a fun 4th of July!!! Don't you just love the Summertime? It is the best!